Closing the Loop

Send us your old clothes.
We'll recycle and up-cycle them.

You'll get 40% off your next purchase.
In the current linear system of design-manufacture-sale-dispose we are wasting huge amounts of material along with the power and water needed for manufacturing. The lifecycle of a garment has fallen quite considerably. In the UK WRAP found that the average time of owning a piece of clothing is 2.2 years and impulse purchases have increased. Sometimes these pieces are never worn.
All garments need to be recovered after their useful time is over. So, we’ve created a system to recover and re-activate those garments.
Simply download a print label, send us your unwanted garments (from any brand, in any condition), and in exchange will give you 40% off your next purchase.
What happens next?
Garments that are in good condition will be re-homed and re-loved.
Garments that are lightly damaged will be repaired or up-cycled to give them a longer life.
Garments beyond repair will be turned into wash rags or insulation.
Avoiding Landfill at every step!